Monday, June 24, 2013

Teens--Premarital Sex

Thoughts On/For/About My Teens

I truly believe that God has placed a calling in my life.  A calling for teens. 
(I guess you'd call it a calling)
I'm just naturally drawn toward them.
I just seem to connect with them.
I have several, that contact me often.
Some discuss things that they could/would never discuss with their parents.
I give them my parental view, but I also try to be understanding & not judge.
Kids are kids
Kids are gonna mess up.
They need to know that regardless what they've done in the past---that's the past.
They can change.

Premarital Sex:  
(Yes, I used the word sex--kids need to know)
1 Corinthans 6:18
Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body, but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body 
1 Corinthians 7:8-9
I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, it is good for them if they abide even as I. But if they cannot contain,let them marry, for it is better to marry than to burn.
 In saying that, sometimes it happens.
Sometimes you mess up
((((NOOOOOO I'm not saying it's ok))))
I'm just wanting you to know.
You can be forgiven of it.
Just because you've lost your virginity, doesn't mean that you're forever condemned.
Ask God to forgive you and He'll forgive you.
BUT, after getting forgiveness, you must abstain from sex.  
Don't have it anymore, until marriage.
This goes to boys & girls:  If you're dating a guy/girl and you have sex with them.
You then break-up and start dating someone else--don't have the mindset
 "Well, I had sex with _____, so it won't hurt to with _____.
Don't feel "obligated" (for lack of better words).
Say no---Mean no---
Your virginity is a gift.  
It's a gift that only you can give to someone.
It's a one time gift.
It's a gift that you should only give someone on your wedding night.  
If someone cares about you---they'll wait.
If they won't wait--they don't care about you.

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