Wednesday, May 29, 2013

CRYSTAL-SPECIAL (but not because of her needs)

Last year, I met a girl named Crystal. 
She got to come see us again this year.
Here's a few things I know about her:
                         1.   She's 24
                         2.   She loves to witness about God
                         3.   She is very well mannered
                         4.   She's very clean--showers, housework
                         5.   She has an infectious laugh
                         6.   She's suffers from epilepsy
                         7.   She's one of the sweetest people I've ever met
                         8.   She's changed my life forever
                         9.   She's very special.
                      10.    She loves Minnie Mouse
                      11.    She lives in Michigan
                      12.    She is special needs. 

Until I met her, I was never comfortable around special needs people.  I know that sounds horrible, but I never knew how to act, what to say etc...  It just made me nervous.
She has enlightened me.  She has shown me that in a lot of ways, she's smarter than "normal" people.
Yesterday, I took her to the Dollar Store.  She was wanting some Minnie Mouse sheets--which they didn't have.
We were standing in line and a friend of mine came in.
I introduced my friend to Crystal.
Within 5 minutes, Crystal had said the following to her:
God is in Heaven
He is there for you and me.
He stretched His arms out on the cross for us.
He loves us. 

We should be so brave.

She also went on to tell about how she was mistreated/bullied  in school.
She told how some people would hold her head in the toilet 
& make her drink pee out of the toilet.  
After all of these years, she remembers their names Pam & Vickie.
Although I don't know them, she remembers them.
She says that she hates them, but I tried to tell her that they will get paid back---
maybe they already have?
I just don't understand how anyone could be mean to Crystal...she's seriously so sweet. 
I know a lot would think "They were just school kids".
I look at the special needs kids in school today & I can proudly say that the students at JCHS welcome them, protect them, are good to them and love them.  
When everyone is criticizing this generation--
I see some good in it.  

So, I'm about to go to bed last night & get a message from my friend that I saw in the Dollar Store.  
Those few minutes we spent in line with her--
Crystal touched her life too.   
You never know when or how God is gonna touch your life.
Always be ready to accept his blessings.
They come in all different shapes, sizes, colors, ages etc....

I just felt the need to blog about Crystal.  
She's gone back now and it's untelling when I'll get to see her again, but she will remain in my heart, mind, thoughts & prayers. 

 ((A lot  would probably think---"Well, she's around Alex & he's special needs.")) 
Well, that's true, but Alex is just Alex to me.
He's so smart--it's hard to think of him as being special needs.
He's just Alex. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Probably Will Regret This

Based on the way I'm feeling, blogging should probably be the last thing I should be doing. But, gotta get a few things off my mind.

Have you ever prayed & prayed & prayed & prayed and still not seen an answer.  
Have others mentioned doing the same and you tell them "Not in your time, but in God's time...You have to pray for God's will, not yours". 
Umm, not so easy to accept that when it's you doing the praying & the waiting.  
I'm trying not to question God, but there's something I've prayed about for years. Something that only good can come from.
I don't understand why my prayer hasn't been answered.  It only seems to be getting worse.
Well, it seems better--then worse.
Seems like it could be turning around & then NOSE DIVE
I'm truly at a loss as to what to do.  
I've prayed, believed, just haven't received--yet. 
I just wish God would show me my next step.
Show me what "I" need to do to get my prayer answered.
 My heart aches.
To most people, they probably see me & think
"She's so happy".
Umm, so often, the ones with the big smile,
are the ones who are crying the biggest tears
on the INSIDE
If you read this blog and pray.
Please pray for my situation.
I need someone to reach God for me...
since apparently, I've got something blocking me from reaching Him :( 
I feel like there's a wall up, blocking my prayers from even getting to Him. 
I usually try to stay positive--or at least not let my negativity or my problems show, but I'm seriously needing help--immediate help.      

Wednesday, May 1, 2013



Do you have a special needs child/person in your family?
Unless you do, you don't know all of the struggles that not only the child goes through, but also the family.
This will probably seem like a very random post, but it's been on my mind & it's time.
I'm just gonna post on some things that
are a part of these childrens lives.
 Also, just gonna say what's on my mind.
1.  Alex has autism.
2.  Autism is not catching.
3.  Alex will not hurt you or your children,if he touches you.
4.  Alex will not hurt your childs toy, if he plays with it.
5.  Alex has better manners than most adults.
6.  Alex enjoys parties as much as anyone.
7.  Alex WILL NOT ruin your childs party.
8.  Alex deserves to be treated just as good as anyone else.
9.  Alex is probably smarter than you!!!
     (If it wasn't against my religion-I'd bet on it.)
10. If you have a "get together" and invite 
    everyone except Alex--- that is RUDE!!!
    Plain and simple.  We won't even go into 
    the non-christian aspect of it.  
11. ***It's not that anyone "WANTS" or is 
    "DYING" to come to said "get togethers"  It's just the 
    fact that Alex doesn't get invited to them because he's                     AUTISTIC
12. IF and I use that word lightly....IF Alex
    acts a little different--HE HAS AUTISM
    What's your excuse??? 
13. There are many families that have kids who
    have autism or other learning disabilities
    but they won't admit it.     
So, gonna tell a little story.
There once was child named Awesome.  Awesome was autistic.  Autism was just a small part of who Awesome was.  
Awesome had a wonderful Mommy, Daddy, Ninna, Poppy, Auntie, Great Mamaw, 2 Cousins & the cousins boyfriend---who thought the world of Awesome.
(He also has some great friends who show they care, but I'm just concentrating on the family at this point)
Those people, experienced Awesome and his Awesomeness on a daily/regular basis.  Yes, awesome had other family members---lots in fact, but those other family members never took the time to "get to know him".  They allowed their ignorance of what Autism is---to "frighten" them away.
Another story...
Awesome's mom was at a public place and saw practically everyone of her church "kids" at a fellow church kids birthday party.  A party in which Awesome didn't even get invited.  Now, imagine Awesome's mom walking in & the "OH NO" faces that were on the parents faces.
Matthew 25:4
Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.  

Matthew 18:6
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged around his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.  
Guess you didn't want Jesus there either!!!
Now, back to ALEX ;) 
Alex has some wonderful people that have come into his life also.  Last weekend, we had an autism walk.  He had several people come and walk "for him".  People who didn't have to. People who just took the time to do it.
Took the time to show they care.
Last year, there was about 50 that walked
"For Alex". 
This year, there wasn't as many that go to.
(Some were sick & that's understandable)
(Some had job conflicts--understandable)
I would personally like to thank everyone who did walk: Elizabeth, Maribeth, Laney, Sofi, Alex, Tracy, Travis, Jarica,  
Great Mamaw Parker-- 
Although Great Mamaw couldn't actually "walk", she was there at the finish line, supporting him. 
As she does ALL her grandkids. 

 This is Gina...She didn't get to walk, because she was volunteering for "Beth's Blessing's" (another great organization) She greeted Alex with a special Autism Build a Bear--named Baxter.  See, God has placed other people in Alex's life--people who love him because they see how loveable he is.  THANKS GINA!!!

I may add an: "AUTISM ISN'T CONGAGIOUS Part2"
at a later date :)  
Alex is wonderful & the love I have for him is unexplainable.  I guess I just can't understand why others, who have the option to have him in their lives, CHOOSE not to. 
YES, it is a choice.