Monday, April 29, 2013

Buffalo On Board!!!

Do you have days where you just feel like a 


If you are a woman, I'm sure you can relate to my first question.

Well, that's exactly what I feel like today.
It might have something to do with my lunch.
Which I feel like the "devil made me do it"
What did my lunch consist of you wonder???
Yep, that's a real Pepsi and Reese's Cup.
What's so weird, I HATE Peanut Butter--
I HATE Reese's Cups.
That's another reason that I know the devil has tried to sabotage my day.

Well, after feeling like the buffalo all day--I came home and thought, 
"I'm gonna eat a healthy supper"
I had a Sweet n Sour Grilled Chicken meal
in the freezer. 
I proceed to grill my chicken, add the vegetables--snap peas, green & red peppers,
pineapple and sweet n sour sauce. I placed it over a little rice 
(I don't like rice)but I don't like Reese's either & that didn't stop me today :)
Ending product!!

Yummy!! and Healthy!! Right???  

After fixing it, I read on the label 
590 calories per serving
How in the world could something that consisted of SNAP PEAS be unhealthy?
Not to mention grilled chicken, pineapple,
green & red peppers!!! 
So, I quickly stopped eating that.
If I'm gonna eat 590 calories, it's gonna be on something that I REALLY enjoy. 

I'm not on a diet & haven't been in forever, but I do try to be more conscious of what I eat. Today has been a total "off day". 
Maybe it's PMS 
(this is a blog, we talk about stuff like that) 
    Anyway, gonna start making "real" 
better conscious decisions about what I put into my body. 
Also, as soon as my feet heal 
((I have blisters from bad shoes--that's another story, for another day))
I'm gonna start my walking back again.
Starting next week, ask me:
"Have you walked and/or excercised today"
It may irritate me--on some days, but
it's what I need.  :)      

Monday, April 15, 2013

God is Great!!!

God is Great!!!!
I had a lot of trouble naming this post. 
It seemed as if nothing I came up with was
So, after typing part of the post, I came up with the most true name.
"God Is Great" 
Last night, while at church, there was these two girls. I knew they were autistic--no one had to say a thing.  Then, one of them testified that she was.  
She blessed my soul, like you cannot imagine.
She sang with the Power of God.
She sang with the Anointing of God.
Her sister, played the drums--
wonderfully--I might add. 
They touched my heart in a way that very few people could/would understand.
Last night & even today, I told several people about them.    How they touched me.
So, tonight, we go to church and they do it again. 
The older girl (I'm assuming she's older) goes to the altar and prays.  I go to pray with her.  I feel a "connection" with her 
(for lack of better words)  
After I pray for her, I'm reminded of a dream that I had about Alex--YEARS ago. 
   Remembering that dream, energized me--renewed me.
I dreamed that Alex was in front of a huge crowd.  He was on the right side of the pulpit (if you're looking toward the pulpit)
He had on a bright red Polo shirt & was telling his story.  He was telling how he had had autism, but God healed him.
God healed him enough--that he was now a 
I've prayed for years that God would heal Alex.
I can't thank God enough for giving me the dream & for allowing me to remember it.
I thank God that the girls came to our church.
I don't think it was by chance.
I believe it was God.
One more thing---as they were leaving, the youngest girl was about to leave.  She turned around and came up to my pew and gave me the biggest hug. 
Well, that broke me down & lifted me at the same time.
God up above only knows what a feeling she gave to me.
You see--the world will tell you that autistic kids don't show love--don't show emotion.
Ahhh, I beg to differ.
They are so full of LOVE.  Pure LOVE.
I wouldn't wish autism on anyone--not on any family.  It's not easy--at all.  
If you are blessed enough to love an autistic person...Count yourself truly blessed.  
   I can't thank Him enough for ALLOWING me to love ALEX. 
For allowing Alex to be in my life.    

Friday, April 12, 2013


Alexander Elijah Gabbard

The boy that changed my life.

On this day, 8yrs ago, God blessed me with my first(living) great nephew. At that time, we didn't know what kind of road, we had ahead of us. 
I'll give you a little insight. 

Sis had gotten pregnant and had a stillborn
November 19, 2002
She was about 20 weeks pregnant. 
She had to deliver him and he was a perfect little baby--just miniature. 
The next year, she had a miscarriage. 
After the miscarriage, we found out that she had an incompetent cervix---meaning:
Her cervix basically dilated REALLY early.
So, she gets pregnant with Alex. Since they know what's wrong with her--they can "fix" it.
They literally sew her cervix together
(if your squeamish--get over it, LOL)   
She was on bedrest for approximately 6 months. 
She was let off of bedrest on March 31st.
April 1st she falls & breaks her ankle.
APRIL FOOLS--only it's not a joke  
She then goes into labor & delivers Alex on April 12th--with a cast on her foot.
When she was in labor, the nurses kept trying to get the dr. to come in...HE WOULDN'T
SOOOO, when he does decide to show up--
(we're standing out in the hall and see him literally loafing, before going to her)  
By this time, Alex is stuck in the birth canal. They have to dislocate his shoulder to get him out. 
We suddenly hear crying-only it wasn't of a baby. It was Sis & Cheryl---screaming, crying, praying. 
He's born--unresponsive.
I'll never forget seeing the nurse run into the room with the "bagging unit". 
 It broke my heart. 
God stepped in and allowed him to begin breathing. 
What a wonderful sound--to hear his little cry. 
So, THEN, he gets jaundice and has to stay in the hospital 8 days--8 long days. As soon as Sis stopped breastfeeding him--jaundice gone.
(Useful information--nurses won't tell you)    
I think I already posted about finding out about his Autism 
(you can refer to my previous post) 
Alex--before autism... 
He is the most intelligent person I've ever known---SERIOUSLY!!!
He brightens my day. I could be having the worst day ever and just his smile--his way of saying "Aunteen".  
AHHHHH,I can't describe how it makes me feel. 

  About 3yrs old.    


So, Happy Birthday to one of the most amazing little boys that has ever been born. 
   Aunteen LOVES YOU!!!