Monday, April 15, 2013

God is Great!!!

God is Great!!!!
I had a lot of trouble naming this post. 
It seemed as if nothing I came up with was
So, after typing part of the post, I came up with the most true name.
"God Is Great" 
Last night, while at church, there was these two girls. I knew they were autistic--no one had to say a thing.  Then, one of them testified that she was.  
She blessed my soul, like you cannot imagine.
She sang with the Power of God.
She sang with the Anointing of God.
Her sister, played the drums--
wonderfully--I might add. 
They touched my heart in a way that very few people could/would understand.
Last night & even today, I told several people about them.    How they touched me.
So, tonight, we go to church and they do it again. 
The older girl (I'm assuming she's older) goes to the altar and prays.  I go to pray with her.  I feel a "connection" with her 
(for lack of better words)  
After I pray for her, I'm reminded of a dream that I had about Alex--YEARS ago. 
   Remembering that dream, energized me--renewed me.
I dreamed that Alex was in front of a huge crowd.  He was on the right side of the pulpit (if you're looking toward the pulpit)
He had on a bright red Polo shirt & was telling his story.  He was telling how he had had autism, but God healed him.
God healed him enough--that he was now a 
I've prayed for years that God would heal Alex.
I can't thank God enough for giving me the dream & for allowing me to remember it.
I thank God that the girls came to our church.
I don't think it was by chance.
I believe it was God.
One more thing---as they were leaving, the youngest girl was about to leave.  She turned around and came up to my pew and gave me the biggest hug. 
Well, that broke me down & lifted me at the same time.
God up above only knows what a feeling she gave to me.
You see--the world will tell you that autistic kids don't show love--don't show emotion.
Ahhh, I beg to differ.
They are so full of LOVE.  Pure LOVE.
I wouldn't wish autism on anyone--not on any family.  It's not easy--at all.  
If you are blessed enough to love an autistic person...Count yourself truly blessed.  
   I can't thank Him enough for ALLOWING me to love ALEX. 
For allowing Alex to be in my life.    

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