Monday, April 29, 2013

Buffalo On Board!!!

Do you have days where you just feel like a 


If you are a woman, I'm sure you can relate to my first question.

Well, that's exactly what I feel like today.
It might have something to do with my lunch.
Which I feel like the "devil made me do it"
What did my lunch consist of you wonder???
Yep, that's a real Pepsi and Reese's Cup.
What's so weird, I HATE Peanut Butter--
I HATE Reese's Cups.
That's another reason that I know the devil has tried to sabotage my day.

Well, after feeling like the buffalo all day--I came home and thought, 
"I'm gonna eat a healthy supper"
I had a Sweet n Sour Grilled Chicken meal
in the freezer. 
I proceed to grill my chicken, add the vegetables--snap peas, green & red peppers,
pineapple and sweet n sour sauce. I placed it over a little rice 
(I don't like rice)but I don't like Reese's either & that didn't stop me today :)
Ending product!!

Yummy!! and Healthy!! Right???  

After fixing it, I read on the label 
590 calories per serving
How in the world could something that consisted of SNAP PEAS be unhealthy?
Not to mention grilled chicken, pineapple,
green & red peppers!!! 
So, I quickly stopped eating that.
If I'm gonna eat 590 calories, it's gonna be on something that I REALLY enjoy. 

I'm not on a diet & haven't been in forever, but I do try to be more conscious of what I eat. Today has been a total "off day". 
Maybe it's PMS 
(this is a blog, we talk about stuff like that) 
    Anyway, gonna start making "real" 
better conscious decisions about what I put into my body. 
Also, as soon as my feet heal 
((I have blisters from bad shoes--that's another story, for another day))
I'm gonna start my walking back again.
Starting next week, ask me:
"Have you walked and/or excercised today"
It may irritate me--on some days, but
it's what I need.  :)      


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Arent you glad God see's our heart??
    I've often wondered how much better our world would be if we could get past people's outside and see people's inside, because to me you're beautiful! Inside and out!

  3. Thank you :) I'm seriously one of these people that would just like to lose the weight to feel better. Would I like to be able to wear whatever I want to--yes. But, as far as looking better for others---it doesn't really bother me---most people probably don't believe it, but it's the truth. I'm not looking for a man & the people who are meant to be in my life, love me for "me".
