Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Getting Personal

Time To Get A Little Personal
This is a topic you'll rarely see me speak on.
Like I said in earlier posts, "I don't do the personal stuff"

I just wanna thank God for allowing me to be able to clean today.  Many people take that "simple task" for granted.
 I don't. 
You see, today I was able to clean for OVER 2 hours--nonstop (except a bathroom break).
Some will not understand this,but others will.

I remember, about 2 1/2yrs ago, it was all I could do to load & unload the dishwasher, at one time.  Most days, I would unload it & then load it. I typically would "give-out" before I could do both of them at once.  I would have to rest between the task.

Vacuuming, I could usually vacuum about all of the house, but would immediately have to rest, afterwards. For quite sometime.
Cleaning the bathroom, again, I could clean it, but would have to rest afterwards.

I would like to take a little time and thank GOD--I give HIM ALL the GLORY--for allowing me to not only clean the bathroom, vacuum, kitchen, do laundry etc.. All at one time, with no breaks--for approximately 2hrs 11min. 
I pray that He continues to help me.
Yes, my feet were tired afterwards, but my back wasn't--which is where I usually have the problems. I did all of this after barely being able to walk on Sunday--THAT IS GOD!!!

I'm hoping, when the weather clears up, to get back to exercising, gym etc... I've NEVER felt better than when I was going to the gym. 
When I was literally leaving puddles of sweat upon the gym floor.  I've slacked in the last year. I've let health problems keep me from being motivated.  
It's time to get back on track. 

I don't usually talk about my weight.  It's just a subject that I've been so embarrassed about.  I guess I've thought that if I don't talk about it, no one sees it-- WRONG!!!
I'm not where I want to be-weight wise, but thank God, I'm not where I used to be. 

I'm following 2 blogs and you would not believe how the girls have helped me. Their motivation is where I was a little over a year ago.  I want that motivation back. I can't get over how open they are about the track they are on. Maybe if I hadn't been so backward, I would be farther along in my journey.  I am a mere acquaintance with both of them, but I feel like I totally understand each of their weight-loss posts.  If no one else appreciates their posts, I do. (which I'm sure many do)         

Monday, March 25, 2013

Sweet 16

Sweet 16
So, I had worried SOO much about the party.
(that is like the biggest understatement)
The party ended up going great. 
It was a much smaller crowd than usual, but the ones who came--around 20--had a blast.
Other than the place and the guest list, I pretty much planned the party in 4 days.
I came up with the idea of a photo booth.
It was a HUGE hit--thankfully.

Alex doesn't like his picture taken, but he posed really good. Thankfully!!
 Kei-Kei was a definite "ham" She loved it.

 I even got Jared involved, which is hard to do

 Jarica & one of her favorites (Rog
He also baked on of her cakes (delicious)
Picture to come

 The only picture we got of Travis in the photo booth.  Really upset I didn't get one of him & Jarica together. They just "forgot" Grrr :)
 Mom enjoyed the photo booth, probably more than anyone else :) She makes my heart smile!

    I can't wait until the next get together, so we can do it again. (New Props)
Roger made the good cake.  It tasted scrumptious. Jarica loves 
Phillip Phillips--LOVES HIM. The cake had colorful dots inside.  So cool. 

She also had one from Wal-mart. It was very pretty, but didn't taste nearly as good as the Phillip Phillips did. 
The kids played "Capture The Flag" 
for hours.  They LOVE this game.  Some of them are very serious about it--as the pictures show. 

 We also made a video of THE HARLEM SHAKE
It was so fun to make--here's a link.
I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

 We had a bonfire, which was a real hit, due to the cold that set in later in the night. I can't thank God enough for a few hours of sunshine.

I absolutely love this picture of Jarica and her daddy.  I plan on getting a big one of it.

Although Jarica is growing up, I'll always see her as my little baby.

I'm so very proud of they young lady she's become.  Love you Baby Girl
Happy Sweet 16 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Not Ready To Party!!

Party Day!!
So, today is Jarica's 16th birthday party.
I've ALWAYS had her a big party, just something that I've always done. I've always had it planned out--to a T--for months.
This year, not so much.  
I just decided on the color scheme, Tuesday.  The only reason I did then, it's all that Party City had with Sweet 16 on it. 
I thought I'd have all this food for the party, but am settling for easy stuff--NOTHING, like I thought I'd have. 
I went to decorate a little last night, figured out that the 16 balloon I "thought" I had gotten at Party City--I hadn't. 
So, the big balloon bouquet that I had envisioned---
Last year, her party was gorgeous, had a wonderful turn-out (probably 60 people). This year, they are giving cold weather. 
I'm FAITH BELIEVING that God will give us at least 50 degree weather. 
I've invited many people, but haven't gotten the response I usually get.  It'll make me appreciate the ones that do show up--a little more.  That may sound harsh/mean or something, but this is my baby's BIG ONE and I want it to be special.   
OHHHH and then there's the car... 
The nonexistent one.  
I had ALL plans of surprising her with one and that just didn't happen.  It will happen, she will get one before she gets her license, but I wanted to have it outside with a big bow on it & have some witty way of letting her know it was out there.  
So, that's the biggest disappointment. 
I'm not usually a negative person--at all, but I'll be so glad when this party is over.
I'll update on the success or disaster later.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Went to church last night, as I do most Wednesday nights 
(when I'm not sick).
Seemed like the devil fought me nonstop, even before getting there.
I got home late,so I was running late. Then, I was freezing cold, so I thought 
"I'll just dress for comfort"  
When I got dressed Jarica said, 
"You look just like a Holy Roller" 
(NO, disrespect, I'm Pentecostal myself)
I had on high fuzzy boots, jean skirt, shirt and jacket. 
I walked in, hoping no one would see my fuzzy boots.
 (I had been cold most of the day & didn't want to sit in church freezing--that does nothing for keeping my mind on the service) 

Then, I called my mom and they said that she was riding with someone else.  I get down the road and she calls, "I'm riding with you". 
So, I had to turn around and come back and get her.  ***That wouldn't have aggravated me if I hadn't JUST gotten off of the phone about 5minutes before that. So, that irritated me.
We were late for church--something I never do.
***Good thing, I get to church and see my nieces husband, Roger, there.  Made my night.

Before church, I pray for a song. I thought I had the one I was gonna sing. I started to sing it twice & something happened I couldn't. Then, I felt led to sing a different song. One that I don't think I had ever sung before. 

 BUTCHERED IT!!!!!!!!!
I feel like I'm the worst testifier, prayer requester around.  I have everything figured out that I want/need to say--open my mouth and Blah, Blah, Blah comes out. 

So, after church, someone comes up to me and says, "You look so pretty tonight, I just had to tell you". 
***I'm pretty sure my eyes bugged out.
No one, other than the kids, knew that I felt bad about what I was wearing.  I truly believe that God had her tell me that.  I don't usually pay attention to compliments. I'm not the type of person that has to have them.
(Mom & Cheryl LOVE <3 them)
BUT, this compliment meant a lot. 

Then we're sitting at home and I'm talking to Jarica & Travis about how bad I did on the song. Travis--the kid :)--says something like,
"God loved it" 
This is true. Regardless how we sound to the earthly ear, when we are singing from our heart, God loves it. I don't believe on person sings better than the other one, to Him.
(If they're singing to Him, with their heart, 
for the right reason)

 Just thinking of how the devil fights us.  He wants us to get discouraged and give up.  He wants us to quit working for God. We've got to learn how to ignore what satan is saying.  If we would only have the mindset that the devil ONLY lies, maybe we'd see that when he tells us something, it's the EXACT OPPOSITE.
Gonna have to start applying that thought process to my life.