Saturday, March 9, 2013

Who Am I & What Am I Doing Here

I've thought for awhile now, that I should start a blog.
I've used facebook as an outlet or "inlet" into my personal life for so long. I thought that blogging would be a good way to allow the people that truly care or are just nosy 
(we all have those facebook friends that are just being nosy)
 to find out about what goes on in my life--to keep up with different aspects of my daily life.
So, for about 4 days, I've tried to fix myself a blog.  WELLLLLL let me tell you, it's not working very well.  I see others blogs and they are so put together.  Mine, BORING!!!! 
I can usually figure out how to figure stuff out online,but this blog thing, has got me. 
Therefore, if ANYONE can help me, it would be greatly appreciated, until then--you can just refer to my blog as "The UGLY BLOG"

 I had a very pretty blog template picked out, but it just didn't work out. If anyone has can help me figure this out--it would be GREATLY appreciated. 

A few of the things I'd like to be able to do:
  • About me--I wish I could let it line up on the right side of my wall, all pretty like.
  • Background--I'd like to be able to change the background color to match my template, not just a big white screen.
I'm sure as I go on, I'll want to learn other things, but these are the "wanna know now" things.  ((I'm a little impatient with this type of stuff, as I said before, I can usually figure this type of stuff out--on my own) 

More posts to come soon--tomorrow :)


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