Monday, March 11, 2013


Do you ever feel like a loser?? 
Well, that's how I'm feeling tonight. We had planned on going to church, to hear Brian preach in the Evans Chapel revival. Travis,
 (Travis is Jarica's boyfriend, You'll hear more about him later)
 came home with Jarica, so that he could go too.  Well, we all fell asleep.  Woke up about 6:16 and Jarica said, "Aren't we going?" I told her no. I didn't have time to shower & get ready.  So, as the night has gone by, I feel like such a loser.  I had 2 teenagers, not only willing to go to church, but wanting to go and I fell asleep.  I could try to validate the not going by saying:
 "I've had a hard day"
"It wasn't a regular church night"
"Etc, Etc, Etc..."
But, the truth is I failed. :(  
This is one of those times when I'll just have to try and do better--not making an excuse for myself, but just stating the fact. 
 Do you ever do stuff like this & then feel just horrible???  
When you do, what do you do to try and make up for it???
I'm so blessed that they want to go to church & then I (as the adult) messed up.  
I'll just say a prayer that I'll do better.  That life won't get in the way of me going to church.  Whether it's sickness, laziness, negligence, or just falling asleep. 
It's so good to know that we serve a God that understands us.  He understands our thoughts. He understands our intentions.  He understands it all. But, above all that--He has such mercy on us.  

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