Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Epiphany Wednesday

Ephiphany Wednesday

While walking to the mailbox, it came to my mind: "We only have one life to live, why not enjoy it" 
It seems that we spend our lives in a daze.
We are never "good enough"
So we try to lose weight, 
Try to make more money.
Try to "fit in" as much as possible. 
When was the last time that you stopped to 
"smell the roses".
When was the last time you just stopped to 
enjoy a sunset, 
enjoy a sunrise,
enjoy the greenery,
enjoy the scenery? 
I'm talking to myself here, I totally need to do this.  
For about 3 months, I've let sickness(the devil) rob me of actually enjoying life. 
From this day on--regardless what comes my way, I'm going to find something positive in the day. 
Whether it's 5 minutes of the sun.
Stopping & literally smelling the flowers.
Spending 5 minutes of quality time with a loved one.
REGARDLESS how small it may seem, I'm gonna start appreciating the life that God has given me.  
**Little story: About 2 yrs ago, I had pneumonia for 3 weeks.  I was so bad that I literally couldn't hold my head up or eyes open.
Sis, aka
(Tiffani,my niece, you'll hear more about her later 
 took me to the doctor and the trip alone, felt like it was gonna kill me.  I remember about 2wks into the sickness, I looked outside and saw the sun. It was shining so brightly. I walked to my car and propped myself up on it.  I just let the sun hit my face for about 5 minutes. It felt so warm to my skin. I felt as if it was medicine for my soul. I had never enjoyed the sunshine more than I did that day. That's the way we need to appreciate everything--daily.  
     Several months ago, I felt like nightly, I should post a:
"Tonight I Am Thankful For" 
on facebook...I've done it for months.  It will really show you what's on your heart for that day. 
I hope everyone has a blessed Wednesday.
I hope you can enjoy a great church service tonight.  If you don't have a church, you'd be more than welcome to come to 
Egypt Pentecostal Church-7:00

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