Thursday, March 21, 2013


Went to church last night, as I do most Wednesday nights 
(when I'm not sick).
Seemed like the devil fought me nonstop, even before getting there.
I got home late,so I was running late. Then, I was freezing cold, so I thought 
"I'll just dress for comfort"  
When I got dressed Jarica said, 
"You look just like a Holy Roller" 
(NO, disrespect, I'm Pentecostal myself)
I had on high fuzzy boots, jean skirt, shirt and jacket. 
I walked in, hoping no one would see my fuzzy boots.
 (I had been cold most of the day & didn't want to sit in church freezing--that does nothing for keeping my mind on the service) 

Then, I called my mom and they said that she was riding with someone else.  I get down the road and she calls, "I'm riding with you". 
So, I had to turn around and come back and get her.  ***That wouldn't have aggravated me if I hadn't JUST gotten off of the phone about 5minutes before that. So, that irritated me.
We were late for church--something I never do.
***Good thing, I get to church and see my nieces husband, Roger, there.  Made my night.

Before church, I pray for a song. I thought I had the one I was gonna sing. I started to sing it twice & something happened I couldn't. Then, I felt led to sing a different song. One that I don't think I had ever sung before. 

 BUTCHERED IT!!!!!!!!!
I feel like I'm the worst testifier, prayer requester around.  I have everything figured out that I want/need to say--open my mouth and Blah, Blah, Blah comes out. 

So, after church, someone comes up to me and says, "You look so pretty tonight, I just had to tell you". 
***I'm pretty sure my eyes bugged out.
No one, other than the kids, knew that I felt bad about what I was wearing.  I truly believe that God had her tell me that.  I don't usually pay attention to compliments. I'm not the type of person that has to have them.
(Mom & Cheryl LOVE <3 them)
BUT, this compliment meant a lot. 

Then we're sitting at home and I'm talking to Jarica & Travis about how bad I did on the song. Travis--the kid :)--says something like,
"God loved it" 
This is true. Regardless how we sound to the earthly ear, when we are singing from our heart, God loves it. I don't believe on person sings better than the other one, to Him.
(If they're singing to Him, with their heart, 
for the right reason)

 Just thinking of how the devil fights us.  He wants us to get discouraged and give up.  He wants us to quit working for God. We've got to learn how to ignore what satan is saying.  If we would only have the mindset that the devil ONLY lies, maybe we'd see that when he tells us something, it's the EXACT OPPOSITE.
Gonna have to start applying that thought process to my life. 


  1. Love this =) Even thought we doubt ourselves, being led to testify or sing is what God wants us to do and He already knows the outcome... he just wants to nudge us and see if we're truly following his lead! BTW, I've heard you testify and you really shouldn't doubt yourself so much!!

  2. Thanks Taryn. I do believe that so many times, He's just seeing if we'll listen to Him.
