Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Me, My Family & I

This blog will be introducing you to some people that I'll be talking about-often. I'll begin with my immediate family & go from there.

    Jarica, Me, Jerry & Jared
Not the best picture, but it's us. 
God couldn't have given me people that I could love more.  I'm so thankful. 
Jerry & I met Sept 9, 1989 and married Sept 9, 1990. We fell in love instantly. I loved him more than life itself--literally.
Jared Thomas Estridge--born Aug 25th,1991. Best son in the world. He was always so spiritual when he was little. When I was getting baptized, he came up and said he wanted baptized too.  I couldn't say no to him. He jumped in that water and was so proud. It still makes me smile. 
He lives at Richmond and goes to EKU. 
(I miss him-I don't get to see him enough) 
He's going to college to be an athletic trainer. I'm so proud that he's pursuing what HE wants to pursue. So many times, people just go with "whatever's easy". He's chosen a hard course & he's handling it well. I'm so proud. Last Thursday, he had an interview with the Pittsburgh Pirates--for a summer internship. I can't wait to update that he got the internship :)  Faith believing. He is a self taught guitar player. I LOVE to hear him play. It makes my heart smile.
Like I said, he HATES for me to talk about him, so he will not be in a lot of my blog--out of respect to him.  But, that doesn't mean I love him any less. Just respecting his privacy.
Jarica LaShaye' Estridge-born March 12th, 1997
She was always a sweet baby.  Her brother loved her and she loved him--like no other. 
(I pray they get that close again--soon) 
The past year, she's grown in the Lord so much. Singing & playing the tambourine at church. Tonight, she got mad at me--she's sick and I wouldn't let her go to church.  She literally got mad at me.  
That makes my heart smile. 
She plays softball and loves it. I love watching her play. She can play 1st, 3rd and has played right field.  I love watching her make plays. Her first game of the season is March 25th--can't wait to watch them play.
She doesn't really care if I talk about her and because we spend everyday together, she'll be a big part of my blog.    

The reason I am who I am today 
She is truly the best person that I've ever met. She's got the best heart. I don't know of anyone who has met her, that doesn't love her. She's the biggest supporter of her grandkids. She LOVES to go and support them, regardless what sport they are associated with. 
I thank GOD that I had a good Godly mom to raise me. I have nothing, but good things to say about her. I will say, that sometimes, her goodness gets taken advantage of.  Irritates the life out of me.  I wish I could make her life perfect, but I can't. She is such an inspiration--I can't say that enough. 
For years now, at Christmas, we've gone out on a Girls Day Out.  She's always wanted us to wear Santa hats--no one ever would.  She's been very sick this past year and I thought "if something happened to her, I'd regret not doing this". Therefore, this year, when we went out, most of us put on Santa hats--minus Sis--she didn't wanna mess her hair up :) I'll post a picture of this at the end of the blog. I love that little smile on her. Makes her so happy.  I thank God that I get to attend church with her.  I LOVE when we can sing together. Absolutely love it.   
I don't have a picture of my dad on this computer, So I'll be adding one here. Later.
He was a great man, would give you the shirt off of his back.  He passed away March 9th, 1996, after fighting a battle with cancer. He found out he had cancer June 19th,1995, the day before my 24th birthday. I always felt like it was my fault that he had the cancer, because I'm the one that made him go to the doctor. I know it's not my fault, but it still bothers me.  He started treatments on September 5th, 1995. He did really well with them, as far as sickness went, but they didn't help. The doctors filled us with false-hope.  He always thought that he'd be healed, but that didn't happen.  I was on my way to work on December 20th, 1995 and I usually stopped in to see him & mom on my way.  I walked in and he said "Well, I did what you all have been wanting me to do--I asked God to forgive me--I got saved" That was one of the absolute best days of my life. Even though we don't have him here with us, we have the promise of being with him again-in heaven. All we have to do, is get saved, live a saved life-serving HIM and we'll see Daddy again someday. On March 1st-it was a Thursday, I started staying with Mom & Dad daily-- He was getting really bad. The next Thursday, we could tell time was running out. He seemed to be holding on for some reason. Thursday, the 7th, Me, Mom,Cheryl, Karen & San all gathered around him in bed and told him that it was ok to go on. We'd meet him someday. All the others left the room.  I sang "Let's Meet By The River" to him.  I wasn't saved, but I knew the song. I had never really sang in front of people before, but I felt like singing that to him. 
**I don't think anyone ever knew I did that.
That's the reason I can never listen to that song. If it's sang in church or whatever, I have to get up. 
He passed away on March 9th, 1996. It was a Saturday.  I only remember certain things from that day, until the day of his burial.  Which the day of his burial was the best day for me because I gave my life to Jesus. The BEST decision I could have ever made.  
See, out of all the sadness, God turned it around and I got saved. Always try to look for the positive, in every situation.  

This is me and my sisters when we were young. I'll tell a little bit about each.
Kathy Lynn Parker--born 1959 passed away-suddenly-October 17th,1999 with a heart attack. She was born with a heart defect, that we had no idea she had.
Married Don Brewer--who passed away in 1986 
Married Matt Jenkins--dad of Cheyenne
Cheyenne's Mom (Will tell about her later) 
Cheryl Jean Parker Lakes--Born 1960. She used to be the other nut of the family (I'm a funny nut too).  Then about 6yrs ago, she got thrown from a horse, broke her pelvis and it has ruined her life.  I'm praying that she gets back to her old self--soon. When I was little, she was my "Bestin" (Best one)
Married Greg Lakes 
Tiff's(Sis) Mom (will tell about her later)
Karen Sue Parker Muncy--born 1965. How do I describe her?  She has no filter. If she thinks it, she says it. And oh boy, she can say some embarrassing things.  LOL. She has a great heart for anyone in need. 
Married Keith Muncy
Tara's (Punk) Mom (will tell about her later) 
Sandra Kay Parker Lovins--born 1967. How do I describe her? We grew up closer than the rest, but have grown apart in the last 2yrs. How I wish we could go back to those days of being best friends. 
Married Donnie Lovins-who passed away 2008? 
Jordan & Kaytlin's Mom (tell more later) 

Here's the picture I promised you of our 
Girls Day out 2012
Me, Sis, Cheryl, Jarica, Mom, Punk

I may post more about the rest of my family tomorrow.  It seems that this entry is quite long :), but I wanted you to get to know the people I'll be talking about, so you're not thinking "WHO'S THAT"

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